Post by NancyC on Mar 31, 2004 18:04:05 GMT -6
I have an old waffle iron that makes 2 square waffles about 3 inches square. The problem is I lost the recipe booklet and am not sure how much batter to put in the waffle iron. The last time (many moons ago) I used it, it overflowed all over the table. Any help is appreciated. Thanks Nancy
Post by Jay on Mar 31, 2004 21:07:20 GMT -6
Hi Nancy Hope this helps.How much batter should I use for one waffle? We recommend 2/3 cup for the regular grid waffle baker .I did a search on google.com,came up with this. Jay
Post by NancyC on Apr 2, 2004 13:26:29 GMT -6
Thanks! I'll try that. NancyC